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Hong Kong mBot sole distributor:



A.   unit 510, metro centre 2, 21 lam hing street, kowloon bay, kowloon.


T.    (852) 2342 3527        F.    (852) 3527 0612



robot fun club 

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mBot product

STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics education. We focus on these areas together not only because the skills and knowledge in each discipline are essential for students' success, but also because these fields are deeply intertwined in the real world and in how students learn most effectively. STEM applies interdisciplinary and interactive approaches that is coupled with hands-on, problem-based learning. Currently, there is a global demand in STEM itraining as the society needs to better equip students to cope with global changes and challenges due to rapid economic, scientific and technological development.  

To promote and contribute to the development of STEM education in Hong Kong, Robot Fun Club has introduced an educational robot kit - mBot, that allows student to learn programming language in an interactive and engaging way. We have professional instructors guiding students to explore programming, electronic and mechanical knowledge through mBot. The learning process involves building the robot to consolidate their mechanical knowledge and writing program with Arduino (C++) . Robot Fun club endeavours in nurturing students with extraordinary logical thinking and problem solving skills who are capable of bulilding and creating what they want.

STEM是著重於科學(Science),技術(Technology),工程(Engineering)和數學(Mathematics)方面的嶄新教育方式。推動 STEM 教育是配合全球的教育趨勢,以裝備學生應對社會及全球因急速的經濟、科學及科技發展所帶來的轉變和挑戰。這些科學領域的知識與技能皆是學生在社會中取得成功的關鍵。強化學生綜合和應用知識與技能的能力、培養學生二十一 世紀所需要的創造力、協作和解決問題能力,以及使他們具備創新思維與企業家精神正是STEM教育的宗旨。

Robot Fun Club 為了推動和協助STEM教育在香港的發展,運用教育機械人套裝-mBot讓學生能以更有趣和互動的方式去學習編寫程式。我們有專業導師引領學生親手體驗及探索編程、電子知識和機械知識。從組裝機械人開始搭建他們的電子基礎,到利用Arduino(C++)編程學習高階語言程式,Robot Fun Club 致力助學生全面發展邏輯性的思考與解決問題方式、建立創造新科技的基礎和培育他們將創意想像實體化的能力。



Connect your mBot with the mobile app "MakeBlock HD" so you can control it with ease.


Assemble different parts of mBot together. The entertaining and amusing process of building a robot is one of the best way to explore robotics.

member job share
summer course


Learn, Build & Fun



Get familiar with the programming language Arduino (C++) trhough modifying the operation of you mBot and make it unique.


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